Yoga with Jools will be re-starting after the summer break on 3rd September. Please keep up to date via my social media and look out for email updates. 

Would you like to
  • Feel fitter?
  • Get stronger?
  • Become more flexible?
  • Learn to relax?
  • Improve your core strength?
  • Lose weight?
  • Learn to breathe better?
  • Reduce your blood pressure?
  • Feel more in tune with your body?


Yoga can help you to achieve all of these things, and more.


Check my timetable page to see which classes may suit

About Yoga

The roots of yoga can be traced back to India around 5000 years ago, an ancient philosophy and way of life very different to ours. The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” meaning to yoke, join or unite. This implies joining or integrating all aspects of an individual – body with mind and mind with spirit.

What’s Available?

My classes include postures (asana) which will stretch and strengthen your body, breathing exercises…

Should I try Yoga?

Yes! Everyone can benefit from yoga; male or female, young or old, athletes or those new to exercise…

Before Yoga

As with any new exercise, you should check with your medical practitioner if you have any concerns regarding your health…

Health Questionnaire

Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended…

About Me

I worked for a bank when I left school and had attended weekly yoga classes since I was in my teens. A lovely teacher called Doris encouraged me to train as a yoga teacher back then but it wasn’t the right time for me. Many years later, I was going through a difficult time and found that a more frequent yoga practice really made a difference and helped me to get through. I decided that I’d like to learn more and to help others feel the benefits I was feeling.

Click below to read my latest News & Musings


Yoga can make you feel more in tune with your body – why not give it a try? Call me 07879 853094