Should I try Yoga ?

Yes! And you don’t have to be “good at it”

Everyone can benefit from yoga; male or female, young or old, athletes or those
new to exercise.

Please see my timetable for locations and prices.
Just come along, call me on 07879 853094 or email me for more information.

It’s Your yoga!

My classes are not competitive and I encourage everyone to find their own level.
I’ll suggest alternative postures so that you can choose a gentle or a more
challenging practice. We are all unique; we have different bodies and different
levels of fitness – we even feel different from one day to the next and it’s
important that we choose a practice which suits us.


Many people come along expecting to stretch and strengthen their bodies but,
after just a few sessions, start to leave with so much more.


Others tell me that they don’t think that yoga is for them as they’re not very
flexible – If you think you’re too stiff for yoga – it’s probably because you
don’t practise yoga!

Yoga can make you feel more in tune with your body – why not give it a try? Call me 07879 853094